Set pennelli Bamboo di Zoeva.
Eccomi qui finalmente a scrivere questa recensione che volevo fare sinceramente da un po' di tempo.
Oggi parlerò in maniera molto approfondita di questo set che è più o meno abbastanza conosciuto, non solo per qualità ma per il costo abbastanza basso e di conseguenza con un rapporto qualità prezzo degno of note.
Let me say straight away that I bought this set about 10 months ago, so it I think a review like this must inevitably be really precise, I have no doubt about their quality.
price (€): 22:00
General Info:
I wanted to say something general before going into detail and talk to each This single brush in the set. The set consists of 12 brushes in 5 from face and eyes from 6 + a comb eyebrows. Brushes are shipped with 2 custudie, cartoning plus a pocket-style bag that has just a bit rough 'this air "vegan". The brushes have to face all the bristles are very soft and thick, while the brushes bristles eyes have very flexible allowing easy application of powder on small areas. The design of the brush is very nice, have a very short sleeves style light wood and satin neck gray. The fact that they have a very short body is not a problem, I initially thought of it, however, are very handy and easy to carry anywhere, even in a small beauty case. To help you make better account of this minuteness I decided to show you the difference between a brush with the single line e questi:
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Pennello set bamboo zoeva / pennello linea singola |
Come potete notare la differenza è notevole, considerando che un pennello normale misura circa 15 cm, contro i 10cm dei bamboo che può non sembrare ma tenuti in mano si notano le differenze. Io personalmente trovo la qualità di questi pennelli veramente eccellente fuori da ogni paragone con altri pennelli commercializzati, sono di una morbidezza estrema, ne prima il lavaggio ne dopo 10 mesi di lavaggi mi hanno mai perso un pelo e di questo sono veramente sicura, tutte noi sappiamo quanto sia essential that a lint brush, especially in their applications for cosmetics.
I want to start talking of my favorite brush in this set and in general, the Flatbuki . As you know the flatbuki is a sort of "twin brother" of famous kabuki, the only difference is cutting into the bristles of Net, which is not found in the latter. The particularity of this brush that I think sets it apart from all the softness in the set is over, the great ability to be superversatile, in fact I think it can be used for almost everything. Whether the powder, blush but also to stretch the back in perfect mousse and mineral. It 's a really good probably the best brush in the set. Score: 10
The second brush is definitely what I want to talk to Powder, really important in a set of brushes in my opinion. Maybe the brushes in the set is among the most mundane but no less important because thanks to the compactness of the bristles can draw is that the powder blush. Needless to repeat that this brush is very soft.
Rating: 8
Non capisco come mai molte ragazze tendono a "snobbare" i pennelli a Ventaglio . Probabilmente non è chiara l'utilità ma io vi giuro che senza questo pennello non riesco a truccarmi, è anche questo uno dei miei pennelli preferiti del set, davvero versatilissimo, io lo utilizzo per la cipria ma può essere usato sia per il blush che per sfumare meglio durante il contouring o ancora meglio per farlo molto soft. E' un pennello che mi sento di consigliare in generale perchè una volta capito l'uso non si può farne a meno. Voto: 10
Well, let's move to a brush that I think is a must, from the angled face brush . It 's really nice because the portion of the bristles and is small and thin enough to allow a perfect contouring. It can also be used to spread the blush and enlightening, that is so accurate in my opinion makes it irreplaceable. Really good brush and also very little cumbersome to carry around with you for touch-ups during the day. Score: 10
Finally, for lovers Liquid foundation there will be no more problems on the striped face! I love this brush because it is accurate, it's the only ones to have to face the bristles very elastic does not leave marks on your face when you roll out the product. Now I left it a bit 'part because I am dedicated to and use of more mineral kabuki brush and flatbuki But even this is a must, it is unfortunate that it did not sell well, and individual patient. Score: 10
We're here to brush cat's eyes Language , the main ones are 3 and diverse misure (so che dalle foto i primi due sembrano uguali ma hanno dimensioni leggermente diverse). Il primo io lo utilizzo per stendere il correttore e diciamo che tra virgolette fa il suo lavoro, il secondo lo utilizzo per l'illuminante mentre il più piccolo per l'ombretto. Mi trovo abbastanza bene con tutti e tre ma non hanno doti eccezionali rispetto agli altri descritti. Voto: 7
Il pennello Labbra secondo me è molto bello, la porzione essendo piccola e allungata permette di stendere benissimo il prodotto senza sbavare facendo un contorno preciso. L'unica pecca è che forse non ha un tappino e non lo si può portare con se in borsa, si rischierebbe di imbrattare tutto di rossetto, forse è un po scomodo per questo motivo.
Voto: 8 1/2
Io personalmente credo che i pennelli a penna siano fondamentali tanto quanto quelli da sfumatura, in questo set ritroviamo il Pennello a penna ma secondo me è il pezzo riuscito peggio. Non è molto preciso ed è abbastanza grossolano, le setole a mio avviso sono troppo lunge e durette .Non mi liked the beginning, unfortunately, I just use little or nothing to soften the pencil soft at times and is a real shame. Rating: 5
To conclude with the final angled eyeliner brush . I can not help but praise him, a really good brush. The thin section allows a perfect and flawless writing dell'eyeliner, spreading the liquid is hard to go wrong for even the most inexperienced (like me tell the truth haha). This is also one of my favorites. rating: 10
appeal lacks only the comb from eyebrows that I personally use very little, use only the part with comb plastic.
A very useful advice that I can give you is to wash these brushes with mild shampoo, I've never tried the soap and I never want to risk it because I was afraid compromising the softness. I'm still very soft after 10 months of washings. I wash them a once a week with alcohol, then once a month with mild shampoo and let dry overnight. Avoid wetting the neck into the joint between the wood and metal, has never been oxidized but you never know, the brushes are still delicate.
The Fatbuki is good to put it to dry upside down 'as you would an ordinary kabuki to prevent water deposits in the neck.
I consider them very good brushes with excellent value for money. In proportion brushes "came worse than the best are very few, certainly the highlight of this set are the brushes to face that should not be underestimated, particularly flatbuki. I would recommend this set of brushes and if you are a beginner or anyone looking for the soft brush and good quality at low cost, similar brushes do not think I ever had.
Final score: 9 1 / 2
* Note: I feel of signal thanks to a comment that I was left below (and in fact I thank Monica: D), the set Bamboo described above has been "modified" by slightly changing the design and removing the old comb from eyebrows, added a gradient brush # 228 is very similar to the single version. Vi lascio il link della pagina di Zoeva dove potete visionare il nuovo set - Clicca Qui -. Se avete domande comunque potete postarle nei commenti!*
* Note: I feel of signal thanks to a comment that I was left below (and in fact I thank Monica: D), the set Bamboo described above has been "modified" by slightly changing the design and removing the old comb from eyebrows, added a gradient brush # 228 is very similar to the single version. Vi lascio il link della pagina di Zoeva dove potete visionare il nuovo set - Clicca Qui -. Se avete domande comunque potete postarle nei commenti!*
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