Sunday, March 13, 2011

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Approfondiamo: Laurus nobilis

Hello! It 'a long time since I was going to do this post on the oil approndimento bay but between a busy and there are no more successful. Why is this post on Laurus nobilis? About a month ago I bought soap aleppo of Provence, came home (as usual) I started the analysis of the Inca soap with the incidence analyzer and to my surprise I discovered that the Laurus nobilis is shown in the negative.
The bay tree has been used throughout history for many uses, especially in the kitchen but now we find the Laurus nobilis mostly in preparations for body care and soap (soap of Aleppo).
The spontaneous question is, why then if the oil is vegetable and natural bay is considered harmful?

I've wanted to bring the analysis of the Inca of Aleppo soap that I bought myself, Pinus silvestris is why I took that line of flavored. As I explained in-depth post on silica sometimes biodizionario analyzes the raw materials source, safely say that even in this case there are many confusions in this regard.
After much research I could not understand me how it works, the fact that the extraction of oil is still not clear to me, or rather should be indicated on the label in a way but it is generically referred to. The crux of the berries of laurel is poisonous, in any case is to be feared because only if used in large percentages should be considered harmful (for large percentages mean those that go beyond the limits imposed by European law, because all cosmetics Europeans are settled by very strict rules) if so would not be possible to produce it and sell it in Europe. Obviously, to take away the last doubt there'll never get to ingest such a substance derived from the berries is not it? I seem logical, since it's soap or in our case will necessarily rinsed the product. In all the soap of Aleppo in Provence use of laurel oil is limited to a small percentage (8%) in the market there are many types of soap of Aleppo with smaller or larger percentage. The only downside in my opinion is this, I tested the soap in question for one month and use it for everything, waxing, cleaning staff (face, body), struccaggio for makeup, I have not seen any skin irritation (and I delicate skin) but rather a lot of hydration, which is due to the low rate of percutaneous Ln my advice is if you buy a bar of soap with a high percentage of laurel oil always combine it with a good cream moisturizer because it will tend to dry out a little 'skin.
A key thing I wanted to tell you is that is very suitable to alleviate the problem of acne. I have combination skin / fat and ugly I have recently had an outburst in the face due to hormonal changes, and despite an appearance of soap of Aleppo I normalized the situation, which I did not expect to happen.
Some people recommend playing it safe and use our soap as you cut the head of the bull, frankly I am much better to use the soap of Aleppo on the contrary it is very moisturizing soaps marseille I dry skin find that it is a very good alternative. Note that I also made use of my brother to shave and was happy because he did not burn the skin =).
I hope I have removed any doubt the people who were fearful about the effects of LN on the skin.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

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Wi-Fi Lento

Come volevasi dimostrare il Wi-Fi può rallentare il download fino al 30% e aumenta la latenza del 10-20% fino a provocare dei blocchi della navigazione.
I principali problemi vengono dati dalla condivisione dello stesso canale ( meglio cambiarlo ) in quanto molti router
Wi-Fi di default utilizzano lo stesso canale, le particolarità di determinate costruzioni ed inoltre le interferenze provocate da altri dispositivi che utilizzano frequenze simili.
La comodità del Wi-Fi e indubbia ma se volete ottenere il massimo della banda che avete meglio affidarsi al classico cavo Ethernet, scomodo ma funzionale.
Il tutto è confermato da uno studio di Epitiro (Downloadable here ) held throughout Europe on a sample of about 14,000 people.
The study shows that in Italy, inter alia, that type of connection is less powerful than in other countries.
So if you want to download, play games or VoIP phone calls in the best used an Ethernet cable.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Why Does Cookies Burn So Easily

Review + Swatch : Smalto 02 Rose Fior di Magnolia

+ Swatch Review: Enamel 02 Rose magnolia flowers.
I personally love this glaze! Honestly, I bought a lot of doubt about 2 / 3 months ago and I hurt, very very very bad. The value for money is very good, the writing is good even if it requires two passes (to me) in the photo because I had made two. The color è molto delicato e dona un effetto bon ton, mi piace molto è davvero molto carino e versatile. La tenuta è ottima , con base coat e top coat mi è durato sulle unghie circa 7/8 giorni senza scheggiarsi minimamente (contando che lavo i capelli spesso durante la settimana non so come abbia fatto eheh).

Se avete un Eurospin nelle vicinanze vi consiglio di fare un saltino e di provarlo =). Vorrei sottolineare che io ricerco molto spesso degli smalti che non macchino le unghie poichè lo ritengo un indice di qualità, questo smalto non macchia le unghie credetemi! Inoltre vi segnalo che gli smalti FDM sono tutti Made in Italy.
Prezzo: 3,99
Color: candy pink.
Content: 11.5 ml (PAO 24m)
Where to buy: Eurospin ( click here to see the Eurospin near you).
Value for money: Very good.
Writing: Good but you have to draw well because the product may cause the liquid is slightly Righetti, the enamel is still leveling.
Estate: Excellent base and top coat, 2 coats approximately 7 / 8 giorni.
Ricompreresti questo smalto? Assolutamente si.
Note: L'unica cosa che mi dispiace è che la FDM crea pochi colori di smalti e sono tutti molto classici ,es: rosso, marrone, mi piacerebbe che ne creasse diversi tipi variando un po' con i colori.