Thursday, December 30, 2010 Leigh_one

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

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Riconnettere Modem ADSL USB - file .bat

If you have a USB ADSL modem similar to the image (where there are no buttons or switches) above and did not want to disconnect and reconnect the modem each time you want to get a new IP address, the solution is creating a file that provides to carry out the tedious procedure automatically.

The process is easy, create a new file with Notepad, Carbonless the text below (the voice breaks is essential not only serves to automatically close the DOS window) and rename the file riconnessione.bat

Echo ipconfig / flushdns

ipconfig / flushdns

echo ipconfig / release

ipconfig / release

echo ipconfig / renew

ipconfig / renew pause

The appearance of this file will be.

Leave the file in a convenient location for example. on the desktop, double- clicking on it will make the reconnection.
This procedure is also applicable to users of jdownloader.
This system is not needed for those who have an ISP that assigns a static IP address eg. Fastweb, and does not work if you have a router.
Set Jdownloader reconnect.

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Testare Dvd Divx Mkv Player Con DiVx Test V.2

How do we know which encodings support our player from the living room?
DiVx V.2 Test is a free cd created by DivxTest The team that allows us to test the real encodings supported by our player.
Il CD una volta inserito nel player eseguirà una serie di test audio e video che comprendono:
Microsoft MPEG4
Microsoft WMV9 or VC-1
AVI Containers
DivX Container (DivX6 standard)
MP4 Container (MPEG4 official standard, Nero Digital)
MKV Container (Matroska)
OGM Container
WMV Container (Microsoft standard)
 E tutte le loro Varianti
Inoltre effettua una serie di test sui vari fattori di zoom e risoluzione ed inoltre tutte le varianti dei sottotitoli ed altri ancora.
DiVx Test V.2 è voul a useful tool for those who understand the true potential of your player.
Below you find links to download the CD, it's 4 RAR files, and scompatate masterizzatene content on a CD, your player will do the rest.
Inside you will find the manual and a full list of tests.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Is Affirm Hair Products Good, You search, we plant trees.

In attesa di nuove review e di nuovi post sui regali Natalizi (eheh), mi sento di postarvi il link di un motore di ricerca alternativo che mi ha segnalato oggi un amico.
Il sito è , è davvero un iniziativa interessante e bella che unisce l'utile per fare qualcosa di altrettanto utile, vi riporto in sintesi i passaggi importanti:

Ecocho è un nuovo motore di ricerca, Per ogni 1000 ricerche eseguite dagli utenti su Ecocho, controbilanceremo, contrasteremo o contribuiremo ad annullare una tonnellata di gas serra. Ci riusciamo sponsorizzando due alberi attraverso la pubblicità sul sito.
Ecocho is a free service and is one of the easiest ways to change the daily habits and have a positive impact on the environment.
Allows you to search the web using the preferred search technology (Yahoo) and at the same time reduce greenhouse gases.
  • Ecocho Each time you use as your search engine, helps to slow climate change.
  • How? For every 1000 searches made on, two trees will be planted to counter the emissions of carbon dioxide .
  • Go ad non modifica né rallenta le ricerche . I risultati della ricerca sono visualizzati con la stessa tecnologia che conoscete e che apprezzate – Yahoo.
  • è il primo motore di ricerca al mondo che consente agli utenti di contrastare gratuitamente le emissioni di anidride carbonica.
  • è una iniziativa internazionale per ridurre il riscaldamento globale . Il servizio è multilingue e viene diffuso in tutto il mondo.
  • Gli alberi vengono piantati grazie a progetti ufficiali approvati dal Governo.
  • Yahoo hanno dato il loro sostegno al progetto, contribuendo ai risultati di ricerca per il sito.
  • Ora tutti possono aiutare a ridurre il riscaldamento globale, passando ad come motore di ricerca su internet.
In poche parole, come è scritto, ogni 1000 ricerche effettuate dagli utenti ecocho riesce ad eliminare 1 tonnellata di CO2 dall’atmosfera , tutto questo grazie ai crediti di pubblicità che riesce ad assimilare tramite le ricerche, ovviamente l'anidride carbonica viene assorbita dagli alberi che riesce a piantare (2 ogni 1000 ricerche). 
nb: 1 ton refers to a year of living tree (ie one year, two trees can absorb that amount).

I personally find it a lovely and inexpensive initiative, if we can help the planet just by doing research, why not? I usually use Google but I think it will replace it with this, then she put in the links in the form on the right: D. If you like you can even share the link on your blog ^ _ ^!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

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Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!

Hello girls! I write two lines just because I would like to wish tantissimi auguri di Buone Feste e di Buon Natale a tutte voi!
Volevo ringraziarvi davvero di cuore per i vostri commenti e per l'affetto che mi dimostrate ogni giorno leggendo i miei post e su facebook. Questa esperienza mi sta portando tantissime soddisfazioni, soprattutto la possibilità di conoscere tante ragazze (seppur virtualmente) dolcissime, gentilissime e insieme di condividere la nostra più grande passione. Spero che il nuovo anno vi aiuti a realizzare i vostri desideri =)! Io intanto vorrei ringraziare anche le mie nuove lettrici un felice Natale anche a voi! Sarò assente per questo periodo, purtroppo queste feste mi portano via tanto tempo tra regali, preparativi etc, tornerò presto  and I will make new reviews and new videos! kisses to all / i!

Marty ♥

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

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Monday, December 20, 2010

How Does Joseph Dress

TAG: The five worst-looking celebrity

I saw this blog post TheMorgana1985 , I could not post it too! I state that I have no sympathy he dislikes to apply to such actresses / show girls, I based on very general look and makeup. Let's start:

5th place: Lory Del Santo.
Frankly I find that to be a woman with something to say. " It is not the usual woman show that is not exposed and who does not speak, il problema secondo me è il rapporto che ha con la sua età. Sappiamo tutti che non dimostra sicuramente i suoi anni, anzi, se li porta magnificamente ma secondo me questo non vuol dire osare un po' troppo. In questa foto indossa un abito di valentino, e bhe...credo che lo abbia un pochino rovinato xD non me ne vogliate ma non ce la vedo con un abito del genere, la rende volgare. Anche il makeup a volte manca di originalità e di gusto, qui non si nota ma svariate volte si presenta con makeup composti solo da righe di matita blu elettrico (la maggior parte delle volte sbavate). Non so chi sia il suo truccatore personale e il suo stilista (valentino?!), dovrebbero trovare un buon compromesso per la sua innata eleganza e per la sua età. BOCCIATA!

4th place: Victoria Silvstedt.
I think sometimes women are really strange, the urge to look beautiful and young people leads us to do similar things, unfortunately. I think V. is a classic example of transformation woman -> barbie (which has little woman now, and nothing since has been replaced entirely by plastic). I seem to remember that before entering the world of entertainment and to pose for Playboy was an athlete and compete for cross-country skiing, was also a champion, but my god ... why you so small?! In my humble opinion makeupartist its staff and its designer will have serious problems both in dress and in makeup. The quality of the clothing is beautiful, designs and colors to me like crazy but it is she who leads them badly because of that unnatural and disproportionate to his breast, against her lose anything as a high fashion dress. Not to mention the trick although not a very dark and the tricks are portabilissimi, those lips are really problems seen his hair color red would be a good god, it really is vulgar and impractical.

3rd place: Loredana Lecciso.
They say miracles do surgery, but I do not believe it XD. Loredana lecciso I think it's one of the few women of Italian events (along with Simona Ventura and Maria De Filippi) dressed worse. Has no class or taste, or wears clothes too skimpy or really horrible and unrealistic. Osa of makeup does not always age appropriate that the coarsening even more. E 'vulgarized especially on social and plastic that makes frequent adjustments, would enter the circle of "miss barbie" with Valeria Marini and blondes of TV but can not, too much plastic and a little class ... I do not like it, you see? XD ahah

2nd place: Simona Ventura.
now monopolized Rai2 with its realty and programs in the afternoon, it is impossible not to throw the right eye on his clothes and his makeup! I honestly do not understand whether there is or there is, if she chooses you look or if I choose and throw money out of people incompetent. I chose this picture because here was a really painful makeup, pass me the time to understand it is a cover or whatever but hell, there is no longer ridiculed as 20 years to afford makeup so dark and clear, after a certain age I think not bene caricare molto sugli occhi e sulle labbra sono più indicati i colori tenui e nude cercando di valorizzare i punti del viso come gli zigomi. Lei osa un po' in tutto, non parliamo degli abiti, a volte si presenta con abiti fantastici, soprattutto in prima serata, il pomeriggio a quelli che il calcio porta abbinamenti improponibili con colori che tra di loro non azzeccano nulla, scarpe abbinate male e via di seguito. Mi lascia molto perplessa questa donna, potrebbe valorizzare meglio se stessa sia con look nuovi e discreti e makeup d'effetto ma portabili.

1° posto: Maria De Filippi.
Ebbene si, mi dispiace per chi è una sua fan (ha dei fans? ahah). Ho postato la foto più eclatante che quando la vidi a Sanremo facendo zapping mi fece saltare dalla sedia di due metri! Ma io dico O_O tu a sanremo vai vestita che sembri uscita da un film di Dario Argento ne "la notte dei morti viventi?". No no lo stile morticia sta bene solo e soltanto a Morticia Addams, voglio dire, quel look per Sanremo è stato un flop, il nero non stona mai, è un must have avere dentro il proprio armadio un abito nero da portare sempre in occasioni importanti (tranne ai matrimoni che non ci si veste ne di bianco ne di nero xD), ma questo è il look che si porterebbe ad un funerale. Quel trucco nero è abominevole, sembra le abbiano dato un pugno eye, and the dress is worn very badly, I do not understand why the De Filippi unable to ever be a woman's face is a woman my god ... probably has no class and that unfortunately did not buy Maurizio!

I was really bad! but this is my personal rating of worst dressed women of the tv! what is your ranking? : D

Sunday, December 19, 2010

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First autoregali: Mirror light Lay and Essence Lipstick No. 44!

Hey girls good Sunday to all! I write two lines just to make you sharers of my recent purchases. On Friday I finally bought the thing I wanted most ever for months, the mirror bright! I opted for a large mirror, even though I Lay choice, unfortunately for now babyliss ones are too expensive and frankly I preferred to spend a little less.

The mirror is in fact brand Lay MD6051 with:
- Magnification 1x3 (Triple magnification).
- fold.
- Bright.
- tilt adjustable.
Can be powered with batteries that transformer. I think the price / quality ratio is excellent, I would recommend it to all those girls looking for a mirror at low cost but not content mirrors that of the municipalities are usually commercially . L'ingrandimento è davvero molto buono, ho fatto varie prove e l'inclinazione è comodissima, può assumere varie posizioni in base alle proprie necessità. L'ho acquistato da trony, ma credo che si trovi facilmente anche da euronics, unieuro etc.
Prezzo: 12,90 €.

Un altro acquistino di cui vorrei parlarvi è invece il Rossetto n.44 Almoust famous della Essence ! E' davvero carinissimo, l'ho provato un secondo sulle labbra e non mi sta male come pensavo (sono abituata a vedermi solo con colori tenui e nude xD).
L'ho preso perchè mi serviva assolutamente per natale e credo che mi precipiterò ad acquistarne presto degli altri sono veramente carini! 
Colore: Magenta al profumo di frutta.
Prezzo: 2,49

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Anonymous Browser For Mac

Initiative: S & R

Ciao ragazze! Oggi voglio parlarvi di un'idea che mi ronza per la testa da un po' di tempo. Grazie a questo post di Never without makeup , mi è venuto in mente to launch a new initiative. As you know I'm a little 'set with EcoBio, crueltyfree and to dress it all adds a pinch of environmentalism innate. I am not a fundamentalist fierce as I've always explained but despite this I try to follow my personal philosophy of life a little 'revisited, with which I am particularly well.
Lately I've been trying to engage also in the art of recycling, a recycling target, not so much directed to the Cosmetic itself (I've always done), because it usually does not participate in 10pan before buying a new product I try to finish Previous always, this is the explanation of why I have not joined the project. Coming to the point of my own (which I do not think I've ever seen anywhere), I decided to call S & R ( Show And Recycle ). Is simply to show through a blog post or video as an object of any potentially polluting materials such as glass, cardboard, plastic, etc, (although it provided communal recycling), rather than be thrown away, reused for other purposes and applied in our case the argument beauty and makeup.
To give you an example to show you two started immediately with my ideas of recycling:
recycling are the two secchiellini! May a little 'smile But those are the containers of gummy candies that are a bit everywhere in supermarkets. They are made entirely of plastic and I think it would be a big waste to throw them away, I decided to reuse them to hold diskettes demaquillage Q-tips and makeup to touch up any mistakes. Behind us is a dual recycling, the Q-tips should be discarded because most of them were defective and (rightly) I have them cornered me without thinking twice! I find it much more comfortable to hold the discs in a box, cleansing, honestly I never use them in common plastic pipe with which they are marketed. And what ideas you have put recycling into practice?
I think everything can be recycled and used for anything else, just have some 'fancy!

To participate in this initiative will suffice:
- Create a blog post (or on youtube) with the title "Initiative: S & R" and show a photo or video with your recycling items.
- Put a banner in the blog below (if you do not want to put a link to my blog does not matter), taking one of the codes.

Spero che l'idea vi piaccia, se avete dei suggerimenti potete lasciarli qui sotto questo post!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

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Saturday, December 11, 2010

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sites where you can not see the games

Here's to you a list of recommended sites where you see the football as it is scam sites, ie sites that offer no service and trying to make fun of the 'user who wants to see matches and lie in front of this pseudo-blog.

These sites are made if you see mold, you say the same things and you do not watch the games, you do not even see anything and therefore do not recommend visiting these blogs. - the worst of all, they even invented that clicking on the advertising you see matches

http: / / / - poor site - very nice graphics, but only to deceive the end user

http://amichevoliestive.myblog . com /

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Friday, December 10, 2010

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Buff'd Cosmetics review!

Hi girls! This is a post review of Buff'd Cosmetics's products. Buff'd Cosmetics is a Canadian makeup company that sell only mineral products and they sent me some of them for free. They sent me 10 samples in a very short time and they were very helpful.
- Neutral pale Mineral Foundation: Original and Light.
- Favor Minerla Finishing Powder.
- Candlelight Illuminating Dust.
- Honey Mineral Bronzer.
- Petal Mineral Blush.
- Tricky Mineral Blush.
- Gracious Mineral Eye Shadow.
- Rabid Mineral Eye Shadow.
- Stormy Mineral Eye Liner.

Pros: the cosmetics are very markers and have a long durability.
Cons: they contain micro-glitters and that might not like at someone.

- Foundations:
I liked them very much because they have a good coverage. Original foundation is much more covering than the Light foundation one, that's because it have an heavier formula. It gives light and life to the skin.
- Eye Liner & Eye Shadows:
Gracious is a pink-light violet Eye Shadow while Rabid is more darker than Gracious . Stormy is a dark violet Eye Liner with blue reflections. The Eye Liner and the Eye Shadows marks a lot and you can make smoky eyes! You can use them wet and dry but I prefer to use them dry.
- Blush:
Of the two I tryed I prefer much more the Tricky one because it gives a very natural effect and it can be used every day. Petal , instead, it's usable more for important opportunities.
Tricky is apricot pink while Petal is dark pinkish.
- Bronzer, Finishing Powder, Illuminating Dust:
Candlelight is an Illuminating Dust and it's needed to give light at the makeup. It marks enough and it's a thin powder with golden glitters. Honey is a suitable Bronzer for the ones that have a very light skin like mine and that don't like doing a heavy conturing. Favor Finishing Powder makes an invisible effect on the skin and has a finish matt. Because of this it can not be used because the Foundations are very matt.

Conclusions: I liked very much all products, especially the Foundations and the Tricky Blush are fantastic! I recommend them and I think I'll do soon another order to try other products of this company.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

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Oppure abbonarci ad un servizio che molto probabilmente useremo 2 o 3 giorni per poi dimenticarcene.
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