Thursday, October 11, 2007

Kolkata Gay Crusing Places

Se per un istante Dio you forget that I am a puppet of cloth and make me a gift of a piece of life, probably would not say everything I think, but think about everything I say.
value things, not their value, but for what they mean.
sleep little, dream more, being aware that for every minute that we keep our eyes closed, we lose sixty seconds of light.

I would walk when others retire, I wake when others sleep.
listen when others talk and with what pleasure would enjoy a good chocolate ice cream
If God would give me a piece of life, I would dress simply, and first of all throw myself in front of the sun, exposing not only the my body ma anche la mia anima.
Dio mio se avessi un cuore, scriverei il mio odio sul ghiaccio e aspetterei l’arrivo del sole. Sulle stelle dipingerei una poesia di Benedetti con un sogno di Van Gogh e una canzone di Serrat sarebbe la serenata che offrirei alla luna.
Annaffierei le rose con le mie lacrime per sentire il dolore delle loro spine e il rosso bacio dei loro petali.
Dio mio se avessi un pezzo di vita, non lascerei passare un solo giorno senza dire alle persone che amo, che le amo. Direi ad ogni uomo e ad ogni donna che sono i miei prediletti e vivrei innamorato dell’amore.
Mostrerei agli uomini quanto sbagliano quando pensano di smettere di innamorarsi man mano che invecchiano, non sapendo che invecchiano quando smettono di innamorarsi!
For a child I would give wings, but let him learn to fly alone.

teach the old that death does not come with old age but with forgetting.
I learned so much from you, Men ... I learned that everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, without knowing that true happiness lies in how this mountain was climbed.
I learned that when a newborn child squeezes for the first time the father's finger in his little fist, he captured forever.
I learned that a man has the right to look down on another man just to help him get back on their feet.
From you I learned so many things, but really are not much use, because when they put me in this case, I will unfortunately die.
Say always what you feel and do 'what you think.
If I knew that today is the last time I look at you while you fall asleep, I embrace you tight and pray to the Lord to be the guardian of your soul.
If I knew that today is the last time I see you walk out the door, I embrace you, I'd give you a kiss and call you again to dartene others.
If I knew that today is the last time I hear your voice, record your every word to hear them again and again again.
If I knew that these are the last minute I see you, I would say I love you and I would not give foolishly assume that you already know.
There is always a tomorrow and life gives us another chance to do things right, but if I'm wrong, and today was all that remains, I'd like to tell you how much I love you, never forget you.

Tomorrow is not guaranteed for anyone, young or old. Today may be the last time you see someone you love. So do not wait any longer, do it today, because if tomorrow never comes, surely I pity the day that did not have time for a smile, a hug, a kiss and you were too busy to give a last wish
Keep loved ones close to you Tell him what you need them, love them and treat them well, find the time to say "sorry", "forgive me" "please", "thank you" and all the loving words you know.
Nobody will remember you for your secret thoughts. Ask the Lord for the strength and wisdom to express them. Prove to your friends and your loved ones how important they are. Gabriel García Márquez


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