Monday, January 31, 2011

Private Browser For Mac

Consigli&co: Ristrutturante per unghie partendo da un burro corpo

Hello all / i! Today I decided to offer my plaster I have personally tested (and which I also tested my mom hehe, poor mother!). Recently, my nails began to fall apart and become more fragile, I tried everything from creams to industrial enamels repairers me only worsened the situation.
Army of good will and patience one evening I started spignattare with a little 'things that I had at home, et voila! I created a sort of home-made restructuring a bit original I must be honest because I left a body butter that already exists. We notice right away, do not expect instant miracles, I have seen the first results after about a week.

1) Geomar nourishing body butter with shea butter and cocoa.
2) Sweet almond oil 100% pure.
3) Olive oil (preferably biologico ma se non lo avete non fa nulla, nemmeno io lo avevo in casa).
4) Spicchio di limone (io ne ho usato uno del giardino di mia zia).
5) Un bicchierino di plastica.
6) Un cucchiaino o spatolina (di plastica è meglio).
7) Una jarettina o recipiente vuoto e sterilizzato (io ne ho usata una di 8ml circa).

Prendete il cucchiaino e riempite la vostra jar o contenitore con la vostra crema.
(Ricordatevi di non riempirla completamente perchè poi dovrete inserire altri ingredienti).

Pour the sweet almond oil inside the jar with the cream (if you can not adjust to the eye, try not to put so much about 4 / 5 drops if the bottle has the dispenser are fine).

Squeeze about 5 drops of lemon in the paper cup, then add half a teaspoon of olive oil and stir.

picks up the olive oil and lemon that you had put in the glass, put it in the jar, remember do not add much as it risks being too oily because of the oil. In my case I put about half a teaspoon, you can adjust a little 'eye. Stir to
well until frothy and smooth, the oil must blend perfectly with the cream.
The mixture should look like the photo, everything will depend on how you turn, I suggest you turn to the cream. Do not worry if it takes on a yellowish color, the picture is not known, but to me is always a very light beige color.

I recommend you try it for a week or so, apply morning and evening. I apply it on your nails perfectly dry in a circular motion waiting for it to dry well.

I would remind you that I have no knowledge on the subject, I do not want to take responsibility for any allergies, especially because I used a cream base that can not fit all skin types. The GEOMAR is a cream / body butter very very nutritious and is absorbed quickly without leaving greasy, unfortunately you have to consider that we also added olive oil which tends to anoint a little bit but if you put the correct amount should not create these problems.
Keep the jar in a cool, dry, remember to use it in a short time as being correct with lemon and having no added preservatives is more likely to deteriorate quickly.
If you do not have the body you can use any butter GEOMAR crema corpo o il burro di karitè in alternativa, l'importante è che non abbia un inci pessimo (possibilmente non contenente paraffina).
Da quando sto usando questa "cremina" fai da me (eheh) le mie unghie sono migliorate notevolmente, l'ho fatta usare anche alla mia mamma che ha problemi di sfaldamento come me e ha notato dei miglioramenti.
Se avete domande potete postarle nei commenti =)!


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